Monday, July 30, 2012


He is exactly what he looks like.

He is a man made of axles.

I was searching for a certain axle, and i came upon a bunch of the same size (not the size I needed.) so, I decided to put a bunch of axles on one guy, who became the great AXLE MAN.(also I was very bord at night, so i just threw him together to see what it would look like. this is the result.)


This is Irukshi. he is a toa in the Bionicle Derelicts series made by Ibionicle.

I didnt have some parts that he used, but he came out great.

He has two arm blades/chainsaws, an a gigantic arsernal of weapons. He wears the kanohi Kualsi, the mask of quick travel.

All credit given to Ibionicle.


This is ... I guess, my self pet. his name is Mr.Mustache.
 He has an energy powered tail. He is not hostile, so he only uses his tail for defense. He has never used it, so its powers are unknown.
He has an epic mustache. That is where he gets his name.
he has always wanted a top hat, though.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Me, iBIONICLE style.

If you dont know, iBIONICLE is a youtuber or, well biotuber that does stop animation and mocing. I made a matoran his kind of way, so I give him partial credit for this.

I give him all credit for the video game controller.(which was a great idea).

'action pose' LOL


Yeah, its me... my self moc. Well, for now. I have a pair of propellors, and 4 missiles. Plus, I made articulated fingers. with claws too.

Most people have themselves as a toa, but... I decided to go with a matoran.

my epic propellors! :D